





Wednesday 31 December 2014

Seven Boko Haram members die in explosive-laden van in Borno

Seven Boko Haram members were killed after explosives placed in a van exploded at the Chikwarki market in Biu, Borno state on Monday December 29th.

"A Toyota pick-up van, loaded with maize and beans with IED hidden under them, belonging to Boko Haram insurgents, exploded near Chikwarkir village of Biu, killing all the occupants of the van. As you know, it is harvest time and people are taking their farm produce to the market; but thank God, the bomb exploded before they could get to the market,” a security source told Punch

Minster of Police Affairs warns police will arrest anyone who makes inciting statements, calls out Obasanjo

Minister of Police Affairs, Jelili Adesiyan, has threatened to arrest and prosecute anyone, no matter how highly placed in the society, that makes inciting comments to heat the polity in Nigeria. He made the threat while speaking at the launch of a book by Mr. Yinka Odumakin in Lagos State titled "Watch the Watcher" yesterday December 29th. He accused former President Obasanjo of trying to introduce an interim government in Nigeria after loosing his bid to impose his own Vice Presidential Candidate on the APC.

Read this transgender's heartbreaking suicide note he posted hours before killing himself

17 year old transgender teen Leelah (Josh) Alcorn committed suicide on Sunday Dec. 28th by walking in front of a tractor trailer on a highway in Ohio. A few hours later, her suicide note, which she posted on her Tumblr page through scheduled publishing, went up. In the heartbreaking suicide note, she blamed her death on her religious parents who she said refused to acknowledge her gender and forbade her from transitioning into a girl. Read her suicide note below...
If you are reading this, it means that I have committed suicide and obviously failed to delete this post from my queue.
Please don’t be sad, it’s for the better. The life I would’ve lived isn’t worth living in… because I’m transgender. I could go into detail explaining why I feel that way, but this note is probably going to be lengthy enough as it is.
To put it simply, I feel like a girl trapped in a boy’s body, and I’ve felt that way ever since I was 4. I never knew there was a word for that feeling, nor was it possible for a boy to become a girl, so I never told anyone and I just continued to do traditionally “boyish” things to try to fit in.
When I was 14, I learned what transgender meant and cried of happiness. After 10 years of confusion I finally understood who I was. I immediately told my mom, and she reacted extremely negatively, telling me that it was a phase, that I would never truly be a girl, that God doesn’t make mistakes, that I am wrong. If you are reading this, parents, please don’t tell this to your kids. Even if you are Christian or are against transgender people don’t ever say that to someone, especially your kid. That won’t do anything but make them hate them self. That’s exactly what it did to me.
My mom started taking me to a therapist, but would only take me to christian therapists, (who were all very biased) so I never actually got the therapy I needed to cure me of my depression. I only got more christians telling me that I was selfish and wrong and that I should look to God for help.
When I was 16 I realized that my parents would never come around, and that I would have to wait until I was 18 to start any sort of transitioning treatment, which absolutely broke my heart. The longer you wait, the harder it is to transition. I felt hopeless, that I was just going to look like a man in drag for the rest of my life. On my 16th birthday, when I didn’t receive consent from my parents to start transitioning, I cried myself to sleep.
I formed a sort of a “f*** you” attitude towards my parents and came out as gay at school, thinking that maybe if I eased into coming out as trans it would be less of a shock. Although the reaction from my friends was positive, my parents were pissed. They felt like I was attacking their image, and that I was an embarrassment to them. They wanted me to be their perfect little straight christian boy, and that’s obviously not what I wanted.
So they took me out of public school, took away my laptop and phone, and forbid me of getting on any sort of social media, completely isolating me from my friends. This was probably the part of my life when I was the most depressed, and I’m surprised I didn’t kill myself. I was completely alone for 5 months. No friends, no support, no love. Just my parent’s disappointment and the cruelty of loneliness.
At the end of the school year, my parents finally came around and gave me my phone and let me back on social media. I was excited, I finally had my friends back. They were extremely excited to see me and talk to me, but only at first. Eventually they realized they didn’t actually give a s**t about me, and I felt even lonelier than I did before. The only friends I thought I had only liked me because they saw me five times a week.
After a summer of having almost no friends plus the weight of having to think about college, save money for moving out, keep my grades up, go to church each week and feel like s**t because everyone there is against everything I live for, I have decided I’ve had enough. I’m never going to transition successfully, even when I move out. I’m never going to be happy with the way I look or sound. I’m never going to have enough friends to satisfy me. I’m never going to have enough love to satisfy me. I’m never going to find a man who loves me. I’m never going to be happy. Either I live the rest of my life as a lonely man who wishes he were a woman or I live my life as a lonelier woman who hates herself. There’s no winning. There’s no way out. I’m sad enough already, I don’t need my life to get any worse. People say “it gets better” but that isn’t true in my case. It gets worse. Each day I get worse.
That’s the gist of it, that’s why I feel like killing myself. Sorry if that’s not a good enough reason for you, it’s good enough for me. As for my will, I want 100% of the things that I legally own to be sold and the money (plus my money in the bank) to be given to trans civil rights movements and support groups, I don’t give a s**t which one. The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the way I was, they’re treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights. Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s f***ed up” and fix it. Fix society. Please.

SEE What Your favourite Celebrity Wish for on their Wish List For 2015!! [FIND OUT]

LEADERSHIPNG bring you the New Year wishes of some celebrities.


A peaceful end of the year and that the girls who went missing early this year would return to their parents. Christmas is for family.

Ice Prince

I wish for the restoration of peace, love and order in Nigeria and the world as a whole. Let’s make the world a better place!

Monalisa Chinda

My greatest wish for 2015 would be to positively affect many more lives than ever before, in all that I do. I look forward to seeing my talk-show – You and I with Monalisa – touching lives and making a difference in people’s lives across the continent. I also look forward to contributing all I can towards the emergence of the Nigeria of our dreams.

Yung L

I thank God for 2014 and I’m looking forward to a great 2015. For my country, I wish and pray that the new government to be elected will change Nigeria for the better.

For myself as an artiste, I wish and pray to rise to greater heights in this industry and in life. Mr Marley says so.


2014 was such an amazing year- career wise, considering the successful releases of songs and several award nominations, amongst other things.

So my wishes for 2015 are that I climb to greater heights as an artiste/entertainer and secondly, I wish for stability in my dear country Nigeria. That, as a people, we move forward together; and that the government would intervene in the insecurity issue. Thirdly, I sincerely wish that our Chibok girls are found and brought back. It’s like that!

Chizzy Alichi

I wish to attain greater heights in my acting career and have lots of investments.

Harrysong aka Mr Songz

My wish for 2015 is for the Nigerian music industry to be number 1 in the world. What I learnt from 2014 is to give more. Just give…give and give to be a blessing. God bless my fans; they’re the best in the world.#teambeta pikin..#teamkolombo #teamofeshe

Maryanne Dunji

My wish and hope is for Ne Plus Ultra Entertainment to be a household name from 2015, just as it’s breaking grounds in the entertainment business in Nigeria in 2014.


I wish for more blessings and protection and more money in the bank. I also pray for Nigeria and our leaders to do the right thing by making the forthcoming elections very free and fair. I also wish to appreciate all those who have worked with me in 2014 and promise them that the relationship will continue in 2015. I bless all those who have offended me in one way or the other and pray that we will grow in respect. God bless us all.

Sunday Bawa

I wish for a fifty-fifty stake in governance at all levels, shared between PDP and APC.


I wish for God’s continuous blessings in my life and also in the life of every one of my fans and Nigeria. 2014 was a reflective year for me. I hope to implement all I have learnt in 2015.

Sound Sultan

I’m full of expectation that 2015 will be a ground-breaking year for the music industry, which I’m passionate about. 2014 was a good year for me and the Naija Ninja crew as we took the brand a step higher. I look forward to a consolidation this year as we aim to become the biggest musical group in 2015.

For me, my music is going for more national and international glory, bigger shows and bigger tours. Politically, 2015 is strategic for Nigeria and my hope and prayer is that we get it right this time around and politicians as well as party candidates do not foment trouble and cause violence.

Oga Bello

My 2015 wish and expectation is that the right leader that has Nigeria’s interest at heart gets elected. Our politicians should embrace peace and have the interest of the masses at heart. When this is done, the country will move forward and we will all be better for it.

As an actor and movie maker, I want to do bigger films and have more returns. I expect that the movie industry booms and all the bickering among guild heads stops. Let us unite and move this industry forward. I expect greater and more fulfilling things in 2015.

Captain Ekehinde

My expectation for 2015 is progress; and there cannot be progress if there is no peace. The likes of Dangote will not find Nigeria conducive if there is no peace. So, peace for my country; and elections that would be free and fair. Then, as a family man, I expect divine lifting in 2015. I and my wife, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde and the children will experience God’s favour in 2015 as we bring our desires to God. He says He will do much more than we ask or think according to His power. So, forward movement in 2015.

GT the Guitar Man

My plans and expectations for 2015 are not just for me alone, but for my fans and those that have stood by me. 2015 is promising because, I hope to drop more singles and hopefully drop my album.

I want to thank those who have stood buy GT the Guitarman. I’m coming on stronger. My expectation in 2015 is that we get it right as a nation; and that our politicians eschew violence as we are praying for smooth, free and fair elections. In all, I wish a good 2015 for all.

Taiwo Oladoye

Personally, the year 2014 has been a wonderful year on all sides. God has been faithful to me and my household, with the promise of a brighter and greater future.

Recounting my blessings, 2014 saw the release of four singles in all, namely: Mukulumuke, Ololufe, I Will Not Forget (produced by Tosin Paul) and very recently, Lovey Lovey (produced by Mix Master J).

Also, I got two music awards: MEGA 2014 Best Afro Pop Single and NGMA 2014 Best Female Vocalist.

Thirdly, there was lots of love and support from my friends, family, fans, the media, my colleagues etc. To God be all the glory! 2015 by God’s grace, will see the release of my double album-my sophomore album and a worship album. I’ll also be working on more videos, and my first international tour. I trust God for the grace to surpass my expectations in all areas, more blessings to all my friends, fans, family, and loved ones, as well as a peaceful election period in Nigeria, amen.

Enny Okosun

My plans for 2015 are to shoot more videos, collaborate with some artistes all over the world, start an NGO to reach out to the less privileged. Also, my wish is to make a positive change, especially in Nigeria and the entire Africa!


For Nigeria, I wish that 2015 will bring about peaceful elections and that we will defeat terrorism. For myself, I wish that the American mainstream music industry will welcome and accept my brand.

For my fans, I wish them long life and prosperity. For the media men and women, I pray that they work less and make more money. Also thanking them for a great 2014.

Don’t miss out on a blessing just because it is not packaged the way you expect it.

If you want to get something done, go get it done! Don’t doubt yourself.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Don’t compare-be unique. Don’t fight your misfortune-transform it. Don’t avoid failure-use it. Don’t dwell on mistakes-learn from them. Don’t back down-stand proud. God has destined great things for every one of us, so don’t be afraid of 2015.

I wish you success and Gods unending grace as we enter the new year

Wednesday 10 December 2014



A pregnancy aborted at the initial stage of 3 months and that, aborted at the 5th month, what's the difference?

They all carry thesame pains and is abominable before the law and in the face of the Almighty God as it is regarded as blood shedding..

Those who battle and call the PDP names for rigging primary elections and applauding the APC for selecting a consensus candidate against the wishes of other party members, are simply ignorant about the simple truth that


In Rivers State, the choice of Dakuku Peterside as the consensus candidate of the APC guber aspirant, was not a collective decision.

I say this with evidence of the protest by the Ogoni youths which left many injured and others, feared dead after that decision was made by the governor in the person of Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi who some refer to as a dictator, and others, a political mathematician, etc.

Let me shock you that he, governor Chibuike Amaechi handed power over to Dakuku Peterside during school days as President, National Union of Rivers State Students(NURSS)in the 90's and as such, that has created the bond between them not because Dakuku is the most credible in the polity amongst the Riverines, but the school politics has come to repeat itself.

(Where then is the beauty of democracy where others are allowed to compete, and the people choose who they want?)...

Now PDP...

Nyesom Wike as the choiced candidate of the PDP guber aspirant, many will liken it to his effort towards keeping firm the PDP in Rivers State when the governor defected to APC, carrying all structures along with him, leaving the state PDP in an epileptic situation which if not for Nyesom Wike, would have collapsed..

Wike claimed he fought for the party and restoring the dignity of the President. But if these were to be true, he wouldn't have taken the governorship form when clearly he knows that it is the turn of the Riverines to rule as zoned. Rather, his taking of the form shows that all that he did, were a targeted effort which our Riverine brothers were too parochial to see from the onset (Politics indeed).

Well, I pray Nyesom Wike wins, but if not, his political relevance will just diminish within a twinkle of an eye of which if he had anointed a candidate, would have been seen as the "political godfather" of Rivers State.

I can see no change, given my above stated reasons. And until self interest is eliminated and politicians come up with ideologies of leadership (Socialism or Capitalism) as done in America, our political system will be likened to a stagnant water which stinks...

Let's think towards making a better system possible, by that, Nigeria will be great and better in the nearest future.

I want to beat my chest and tell my children categorically that:

Samuel Nifemi Jumbo

Thursday 4 December 2014



Some call it political halloting or better still, political prostitution. But I tell you, many who engage in this act within the political circle, have been generally tagged
"Power Mongers" and in time, Nigerians will displace them...

These set of politicians have lost the confidence of the people but only exist on news papers, and social media's,

Parading on past glories and causing distractions up and down as well as misleading many who follows them without vision nor ambition all in the name of "Opposition"...

In America, Opposition is virile, criticism is constructive and flaws come from both sides of the divide. But when it comes to matters of National Security/Interest, the key word is "America must Prevail". There, lies the big difference.
(Tuminingonengim, 2014).

Opposition in my country Nigeria, acts on the contrary.

In Nigeria, matters of National Interest/ Security is capitalised on as a major flaw of the ruling government and used as an exhibit to unseat a government and take over power. Instead of coming together to profer solution(s) to them.

To me, there lies wisdom and the true nature of patriotism. In doing this (coming together to profer solutions to National Security/Interest),Naturally an opposition can win the peoples mandate and vote out a government which seem not to be performing.

But if we fail to follow this part, I, forcefully will conclude that "Nigeria & Nigerians, are by Nature, Undemocratic & Unpatriotic".
(Samuel Jumbo, 2014).

While in school, I had always told my friends and colleagues that if I am opportune to lead this Nation as President, or being in any influential position, I'll profer two solutions and if paraventure they fail, I'll then apply the third (3rd) option.

(i) Create more states:

An avenue for more individuals to participate in government and help reduce the work load on the central government. And improve on our infra-structural Development process within a region.

It acts also as a catalyst to development and advancement. I.e, speeding up the rate of advancement within a specific period of time (usually short) .

Moreso, reaching out directly to the people as well as the government at different levels, functioning effectively...

This however, will ignite in the citizens the positive mindset of advancement and to have it at heart that Development of an environment or a particular region should be seen as a collective responsibility...
(Myles Munroe)

(ii)Apply Federalism as practised in America and make it work:

where every state will be independent and autonomous, but with a central government. Every state will have control over its resources and thus, reduce the high rate of dependency of one state over the other as done in Nigeria. Yes, no island is independent, but then, it will call for serious participation on issues pertaining to revenue and evoke a diversification in the economy of the different regions or states...

And if none works for this nation,

(iii) Dividing the nation will be my last option:

I learnt and sang a song as a boy. But when I began to understand the meaning, comparing it to our day to day happenings, I'm beginning to be tempted to reason along side with the man called "Odumegwu Ojukwu". The song goes thus:

Ojukwu wanted to separate Nigeria... but Gowon said nigeria must be one....we are fighting together with make nigeria one....One! Nigeria, One! Nigeria, to make Nigeria one!!!


If we are not careful, in time coming, history will repeat itself as Carl Max opines:

But I strongly believe and it is my belief that We (Nigerians) can soar higher above corruption in this nation (Nigeria)like Dr. Bode Ojoniyi opines during a paper presentation sometime around this year on corruption:

"Corruption is not hereditary, but a personal decision made or taken by the individual in question. Maybe as a result of the already laid down structure, or the environment in which he or she finds oneself. However, the decision taken by that person matters more.
You can only force a horse to the river, but cannot force it to drink".
(Ojoniyi, 2014)

Another associate Professor, Ameh Dennis Akoh opines that:

"The institutional tutors, teachers, and lecturers should be held responsible should Nigeria produce another set of corrupt leaders in the nearest future. Ending corruption amongst our youths today starts within our institutions".
(Akoh, 2014)

I am a Nigerian. And I believe in the Vision 2020 of Nigeria.

Therefore, my own part is to get my voters card and vote for whom I think is capable of leading this nation irrespective of their political affiliation or religious inclination as well as his/her ethnicity...

Don't leave politics for politicians alone, get involved.
(Princewill, 2011)

Get your voters card today, for it is your civic right and responsibility.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Photos: The butt on John Legend

See the right pic? His butt looks bigger than his wife's own. Lol. John Legend and his wife Chrissy Teigen did a photo shoot on the streets of New York yesterday Monday December 1st. See the pics after the cut...

Photos: Pregnant Kourtney Kardshian poses nude for Dujour mag

 A very pregnant Kourtney Kardashian posed nude but for a necklace for Dujour magazine, Dec issue.
"To me, nudity is not something to be ashamed of,' explained the 35-year-old. 'I’m not embarrassed of my body. I'm at my best when I’m pregnant. It’s such an amazing feeling, the transformation that your body goes through. There’s something about that that’s so empowering and beautiful and I just really embrace it." Kourtney said
...and they said she had a problem with Kim posing nude! See the full photos after the cut...

YAY!! Desmond Elliot wins APC primary Election!

Good new for those that like Desmond Elliot! He just won the APC Primary election for Lagos House of Assembly while Kenny Saint Best lost out to Lai Mohammed's son so Too bad for her, Folajimi Lai Mohammed for the Ikeja constituency!
Congrats to him!!!

Shocking! Popular Nollywood actor & Gospel Artiste arrested for kidnap In Lagos!

Operatives of Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad, FSARS, Adeniji Adele, Lagos, 

have arrested an upcoming Nollywood actor and gospel musician (names withheld) and two others in connection with the alleged kidnap of a female banker at Mile 2 area of Lagos.

The actor and his alleged partners were said to have kept their victim in an uncompleted building in Mowe, Ogun State for four days, awaiting response from the captives’ family.

They were reportedly caught while sharing the ransom.

Police sources said the Enugu State-born 28-year-old actor claimed he was introduced into the act by leader of the gang, whose identity he gave as Jack. He said Jack masterminded the kidnap of the female banker, who was his former boss.

Police sources Further Revealed that: "The suspects were six in number. But three are on the run and we are on their trail.

“During interrogation, the actor said six of them came in a Toyota Corolla car and immediately they saw their target coming out of her Toyota Camry car, they pointed guns at her and drove her to their hideout in Mowe."

He allegedly confessed that himself and Jack drove the victim’s car to Akerele area of Surulere, where they sold it for N250,000. He said he got N100,000, while Jack took the rest.

"They also sold their victim’s jewellery for N8,000 and her pair of shoes for N3,700."

He also stated that his share of the ransom was N450,000, but did not disclose how much they got, as the bargain was done between Jack and the victim’s family.”

One of the suspects reportedly told FSARS operatives that he came from Edo State on invitation by a friend.

He said: "A friend invited me to Lagos. All he told me was to watch over the woman and ensure she did not escape from where she was kept. I never knew she was kidnapped. I was tempted by the N350,000 offer."

On his part, the friend, aged 23, said his role was to provide his master’s Toyota Corolla, which was used for the operation, adding that his share of the ransom was N400,000.

Gobe! Nigeria Music Producer, And Others Arrested With Drugs Worth Over N374m

What Some People Will Do For Money!!! Three South Africa-based Nigerians, among them a mother of seven, have been arrested by operatives of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, with drugs suspected to be methamphetamine, with an estimated street value at N374 million.

Also arrested was a 44-year-old Asaba-based music producer, whose alleged attempt to smuggle 4.95kg of substance suspected to be cocaine into the country was foiled. The suspects, who were arrested at Murtala Mohammed International Airport, MMIA, Lagos, allegedly concealed the substance in security lamps, silicon sealants and foodstuff.

The NDLEA airport Commander, Mr. Hamza Umar, said: “Those apprehended are Chukwuenyem, 48 years old, with 21.695kg of methamphetamine hidden inside his bag; Kelvin, 37, caught with 9.980kg of methamphetamine hidden inside solar security lamps; Deborah, 40, found with 5kg of methamphetamine hidden inside foodstuff and Michael, 44, with 4.95kg of cocaine hidden inside silicon sealants.

“Apart from Michael, who was coming from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with 4.95kg of cocaine, the other three suspects were trying to smuggle methamphetamine to South Africa where they reside.”

Suspects’ stories

During interrogation, Chukwuenyem, a father of three, said he was lured into drug trafficking on his birthday.

According to him, “I struggled to feed my family by selling foodstuff. At present, my capital is so small that the business is near moribund. A friend met me on my birthday and introduced me into drug trafficking.

“He promised to pay me 15,000 South African Rand. My children are out of school because of my inability to pay tuition fee. This is my first time of dealing in drugs and I regret everything. I pray to be out of this problem.”

On his part, 37-year-old Kelvin, also blamed his indulgence on his poor living condition back in South Africa.

He said: “I reside in South Africa where I import and export phones and clothes. I have five children from three women. My business is grounded and I now live from hand to mouth.

“A friend in South Africa gave me the solar lamp where the drug was found. He used to assist me financially and he also promised to pay my children’s school fees.”

Deborah, the mother of seven, said she was given the drugs by a man she sought financial assistance from.

According to her, “I have seven children and I take care of them from the sales of foodstuff. I came to Nigeria to buy foodstuff such as melon, vegetables and other local spices.

“There is a man in South Africa that I went to request for financial assistance to enable me expand my business. He told me that somebody would give me some food items for him.

“When I got to the airport, NDLEA officers detected methamphetamine in the package given to me by the man. This was how I found myself in this situation.”

Michael, who was on his way from Brazil also claimed he was given a bag in Brazil without the slightest inkling of its content.

He said: “I am a music producer. I travelled to Brazil to promote my music label and to partner other producers. I had a successful deal but on my way back, I accepted a bag from a friend I met in Sao Paulo to take to Nigeria.

“When I got here, NDLEA demanded to search and 29 out of the 34 sealants were found to contain cocaine. This is a major setback for my career and I feel very bad.”

Source: Vanguard

D'Banj is Looking 'Dope' in New Photos, Show Off His Exoctic car

D'banj stepped out for a meeting looking So Dope!
Living Large
D'banj stepped out for a meeting looking So Dope!
Living Large

Saturday 29 November 2014

Introducing North West, the stunning fashionista (photos)

Kim Kardashian dressed her 17 months old daughter in expensive designer fur coat, black leggins, black dress and black loafers and North carried it like a rockstar. Kim dressed North like that to an appointment at the spa in Beverly Hills and when paparazzi swamped the famous mum and daughter, North gave them a thumps up (right pic) How adorable! See more photos after the cut.

Over 200 killed in the bomb blast at Kano Central Mosque yesterday

Over 200 people were reportedly killed in the bomb blast that occurred yesterday afternoon at the Kano Central Mosque where the Emir of Kano usually leads prayers. Some eye-witnesses and rescue officials put the figure at 300, making it one the deadliest bomb attacks in Nigeria.
According to eyewitnesses, three bombs went off one after the other at the 10,000 capacity Mosque during the Friday Jumat prayers. Two went off inside the Mosque, and one outside. And when people tried to flee the scene, gun men opened fire on worshipers. Many of the casualties were children who couldn't run as fast. Some were trampled to death in the mayhem that ensued.
When normalcy returned hours after the attack, the dead and wounded, said to be over 250, were taken to the Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital and the Nasarawa Hospital.
The Emir of Kano was out of the country when the incident occurred. He'd left the night before.

President Jonathan also cancelled his meeting with Nigerians entertainers at the Creative Industry event last night because of the blast.

Photo credit: Punch and thisday live news

Photos: Peter Obi shops at a local market

Former Anambra state governor Peter Obi spotted shopping at a local market...and we had to see the pics...:-). See more photos after the cut...

Khloe Kardashian's family wants her to dump French Montana

Khloe K's family have reportedly told her to leave French Montana because he's cheating on her. 
From TMZ
Khloe Kardashian needs to run for the hills -- away from French Montana -- and that's exactly what her family told her during a heart-to-heart talk Wednesday.
Sources familiar with the situation tell us ... the Kardashians believe French has been unfaithful to Khloe, and their evidence centers around his recent trip to Dubai.
We're told the family believes French was hooking up with a very pretty woman during the trip, and tried to use Kim as a cover. We know they told Khloe French sought out Kim during the trip so Khloe would see pics of the 2 of them and think he was just hanging with her sis ... nothing nefarious.
We're told the Kardashians say French's plan unraveled when Kim came home and told Khloe she was literally with French 10 seconds here and there. The family is convinced he used Kim to deceive Khloe

Nigerian fashion styles you shuld try.........i love them.