





Thursday 4 December 2014



Some call it political halloting or better still, political prostitution. But I tell you, many who engage in this act within the political circle, have been generally tagged
"Power Mongers" and in time, Nigerians will displace them...

These set of politicians have lost the confidence of the people but only exist on news papers, and social media's,

Parading on past glories and causing distractions up and down as well as misleading many who follows them without vision nor ambition all in the name of "Opposition"...

In America, Opposition is virile, criticism is constructive and flaws come from both sides of the divide. But when it comes to matters of National Security/Interest, the key word is "America must Prevail". There, lies the big difference.
(Tuminingonengim, 2014).

Opposition in my country Nigeria, acts on the contrary.

In Nigeria, matters of National Interest/ Security is capitalised on as a major flaw of the ruling government and used as an exhibit to unseat a government and take over power. Instead of coming together to profer solution(s) to them.

To me, there lies wisdom and the true nature of patriotism. In doing this (coming together to profer solutions to National Security/Interest),Naturally an opposition can win the peoples mandate and vote out a government which seem not to be performing.

But if we fail to follow this part, I, forcefully will conclude that "Nigeria & Nigerians, are by Nature, Undemocratic & Unpatriotic".
(Samuel Jumbo, 2014).

While in school, I had always told my friends and colleagues that if I am opportune to lead this Nation as President, or being in any influential position, I'll profer two solutions and if paraventure they fail, I'll then apply the third (3rd) option.

(i) Create more states:

An avenue for more individuals to participate in government and help reduce the work load on the central government. And improve on our infra-structural Development process within a region.

It acts also as a catalyst to development and advancement. I.e, speeding up the rate of advancement within a specific period of time (usually short) .

Moreso, reaching out directly to the people as well as the government at different levels, functioning effectively...

This however, will ignite in the citizens the positive mindset of advancement and to have it at heart that Development of an environment or a particular region should be seen as a collective responsibility...
(Myles Munroe)

(ii)Apply Federalism as practised in America and make it work:

where every state will be independent and autonomous, but with a central government. Every state will have control over its resources and thus, reduce the high rate of dependency of one state over the other as done in Nigeria. Yes, no island is independent, but then, it will call for serious participation on issues pertaining to revenue and evoke a diversification in the economy of the different regions or states...

And if none works for this nation,

(iii) Dividing the nation will be my last option:

I learnt and sang a song as a boy. But when I began to understand the meaning, comparing it to our day to day happenings, I'm beginning to be tempted to reason along side with the man called "Odumegwu Ojukwu". The song goes thus:

Ojukwu wanted to separate Nigeria... but Gowon said nigeria must be one....we are fighting together with make nigeria one....One! Nigeria, One! Nigeria, to make Nigeria one!!!


If we are not careful, in time coming, history will repeat itself as Carl Max opines:

But I strongly believe and it is my belief that We (Nigerians) can soar higher above corruption in this nation (Nigeria)like Dr. Bode Ojoniyi opines during a paper presentation sometime around this year on corruption:

"Corruption is not hereditary, but a personal decision made or taken by the individual in question. Maybe as a result of the already laid down structure, or the environment in which he or she finds oneself. However, the decision taken by that person matters more.
You can only force a horse to the river, but cannot force it to drink".
(Ojoniyi, 2014)

Another associate Professor, Ameh Dennis Akoh opines that:

"The institutional tutors, teachers, and lecturers should be held responsible should Nigeria produce another set of corrupt leaders in the nearest future. Ending corruption amongst our youths today starts within our institutions".
(Akoh, 2014)

I am a Nigerian. And I believe in the Vision 2020 of Nigeria.

Therefore, my own part is to get my voters card and vote for whom I think is capable of leading this nation irrespective of their political affiliation or religious inclination as well as his/her ethnicity...

Don't leave politics for politicians alone, get involved.
(Princewill, 2011)

Get your voters card today, for it is your civic right and responsibility.


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