





Friday 26 February 2016

Supreme court upholds Rev. Kings death sentence

The Supreme Court has upheld the death sentence handed down the Senior Pastor of the Christian Praying Assembly, Lagos, Rev. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo aka Reverend King by the Lagos state Court of Appeal. Reverend King had approached the apex court after the Lagos state Court of Appeal on January 11th 2007 upheld the ruling of the state High court sentencing him to death by hanging for the murder of one of his church

Fresh!!!!!? from Lemdy d music Maker....!

LEMDY d MUSIC maker announces his new single, BABY 31 produced by Lemdy himself . BABY 31 is an afro pop dance music, inspired by PROVERBS 31 which describes how the perfect woman should be.
   Lemdy is a music artist,guitarist,producer and a graduate of computer science from Osun State University.Presently not signed to any record label ,lemdy has worked along side COL boss LCBEATZ in which he has released several hit singles like TINKO ,CONFAM and a host of many others on the COL platform.
  We sincerely hope you download , listen and enjoy BABY 31 ..  Thank you. Release date is on Sunday 28th feb 2016 .

Sunday 14 February 2016

Annie's hub

Remember when I said I was fine?Well…It turns out I lied.I know it seems like I hide a lot,like I shut you outbut I’d hate to see the worry on your face if you knewI lie because I will not be able to take itif you felt a fraction of the hurt I feelI do not want to burden you with my painUnderstand that I do this to protect you.-ANNIE.

When Love Isn’t Enough- By Reuben Abati

It is that time of the year again in the month of February, when there is so much talk and excitement about romance and love, all in preparation for that special day dedicated to love, romance and dalliance, this very day, Valentine’s Day.  The romantic propaganda can be really oppressive. In the past few days for example, GSM service providers have insisted that the only ring tone that fits this season is the one that forces you to think of romance, just in case you may have forgotten. I didn’t solicit for the ringtone, but I got it all the same and I have had to listen to it, on other people’s lines, and I guess it doesn’t come free.The GSM companies are making money selling Valentine messages. And that is the point: the frenzy over Valentine’s Day is commercial, capitalistic, and it is of course, global.  In the United States, even the White House is not left out, with the First Lady composing a poem for President Barack Obama on this special occasion. It is all mushy, lovey-dovey stuff. The eventual beneficiaries are the business outfits that produce printing cards, shirts, chocolates, cakes, the restaurants that will probably remain open till Feb. 15, not to talk of the companies that will benefit from the many phone calls, e-mails and text messages. Sometimes, I find Valentine’s Day a bit suffocating, feminist, and discriminatory. This year’s celebration falls on a Sunday, otherwise it would also have been observed in schools including nursery and kindergarten schools. On a school day, all the pupils would have been instructed to dress up in red colour and to bring gifts for their friends.  The children are innocent but their teachers, especially in the private schools, initiate them into this annual ritual. Last year, there was so much red colour blinding the eyes on the streets. I also saw old men and women, even widows, joining the celebration, refusing to be left out of their share of the love in the air.  And later in the day of course, the restaurants usually take over and the ultimate show of chivalry is for a man to be seen taking his Valentine for candle-lit dinner, or to go on his knees and pop the question, or to exchange wedding vows on this special day. It is as if this is the only day meant for love, and the flow of affection is generally understood around here to be from man to woman. The emphasis is not even on pure, unadulterated love; but physical romance. In everything there is a suggestion among the younger generation that a Valentine’s Day expression of love is the truest form of affection, which it is not.  The overwhelming focus on purchasing power as a measure of love and affection makes it worse.  This has resulted in some commentators lamenting that given the economic austerity in the land, Valentine’s Day this year may not be as exciting, because as the common saying goes, “there can be no romance without finance!”. In the past, a poem or a letter or a bouquet of flowers would do, but I hear, not anymore. Our new age Nigerian ladies no longer read love letters, nor are they interested in poetry- those forced rhymes and sweet nothings meant to make the heart flutter don’t seem to work anymore.    These days, I have heard such comments as: “we have not received salary, how man go take do Valentine?” and I have seen a cartoon in which a husband tells his wife that they will be better off spending the whole day in church! It is perhaps more advisable to celebrate Agape, church love than to dig a hole in the pocket and tell stories that touch the heart later. I am not against anyone celebrating love, but the desperation, the heartache and the sheer anxiety that now attends Valentine’s Day is a bit over the top. People should not have to borrow or rob a bank to prove that they love a woman. And this whole thing about romantic love is curious. In any relationship at all, physical love is not enough. It takes a lot more to build relationships. It should be possible to spend Valentine’s Day with family members, friends, and other members of the community. And you shouldn’t have to wear red as if you are going to a Sango shrine, or appear like a masquerade, before anyone knows that you want to celebrate love.  How about a visit to the motherless babies’ home, or the prisons, hospitals, or a visit to the cemetery to remember your departed loved ones. Or quality time spent at home with the children or phone calls to old time friends to wish them well. Love should not be measured in loud decibels of a one-day excitement; it should be a value, extended in all kinds of relationships. This is one lesson the excitable young crowd, that is going to troop out to the clubs and restaurants today, must learn, and which they will learn. They should ask the older generation. I doubt if there are many married men and women out there who are still having butterflies in their stomachs as they did many years ago, over a certain unknown St. Valentine. Real life teaches hard lessons.  The older generation would have learnt that love grows, and it fades, and it is better as a life-long experience, while romantic love is just one of many other kinds of love, including self-love, and this thing called love is not necessarily in real life, exactly as the Holy Book says it should be.        It is only in the Bible that love exists in such fantasy form as described in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease, where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.”   In real life, love is proud, boastful, easily angered, expensive, self-seeking, vengeful…imagine the kind of atrocities that have been committed in the name of love! As we mark this year’s Valentine’s Day, I think of the quality of love in our community, and it is sad that there is a damning scarcity of it.  Those who will observe the Valentine ritual, and may forget the subject of love by tomorrow morning, are in the majority: they claim to be good men and women, but they are not their brother’s keepers. They include young girls who will never be allowed to marry young men from other ethnic groups because of the deep-seated suspicions that have divided Nigerian communities into primordial camps of hate. We have parents, teachers, leaders and priests, who promote division rather than unity. We are a community of broken dreams and shattered hopes.  Hypocrisy has become a virtue.  Some of the young people change their partners every Valentine season, collecting Valentine gifts like they are striving to build a museum of romantic encounters. Many of those who will profess love today do not even know what it means. And yet we are a religious society and all the religions teach love as an important virtue and value. But I doubt if anyone listens. Even the religious leaders are guilty.  One so-called 50-year old Pastor Amakiri has just been accused of raping a 12-year old child. He saw a vision that he needed a “holy massage” to be administered by a young girl between the ages of 12-15, on his “badly aching waist.”  He has children at home between the ages of 6 and 14, and he could have sought medical help. Only God knows how many other lives this particular Pastor has damaged with false visions and cruel opportunism. Our schools should teach love, but was it not in a Nigerian school that a student once slaughtered a teacher in broad daylight? And was it not from a school that innocent young girls were carted away and abducted? Parents should help teach love too, but many parents are too busy monitoring that bank alert that will make them breathe easier. Marriage should nurture love, but was it not in Ibadan the other day that a young, married lady, drove a knife into her husband’s neck wounding him mortally because he had a child outside wedlock. And elsewhere in this same country, another married woman reportedly butchered her husband’s manhood, into two, because he was caught with another woman. Yes, it is Valentine’s Day but it is the Devil that rules the heart of many. Pastor Amakiri has been quoted saying “Don’t blame the Devil, I did it.”  Of course, you did it, and are we supposed to clap for you?  The Devil has never been convicted in any court of law for committing a crime.  Think also of the usual stories about the shenanigans of governance and the oddities of public life. The list is endless, providing a sobering backdrop to all the ebb and flow of Valentine spirit.  People are taught the idea of love by the ritual of Valentine’s Day, but that is never enough for building relationships and a strong community of citizens. We need a society built on much deeper friendships and values. This is perhaps partly why there have been anti-Valentine’s Day protests in India and Pakistan, where its celebration is said to be “against religious and cultural norms.” I don’t think a day will ever come when the Nigerian authorities will ban anyone from having a day of fun, even licentious fun, for those who are so predisposed. But if you must indulge in ribaldry, remember it is nonetheless a day for loving not dying, and that promoting love, friendship, good citizenship, and unity as shared communal values is important.  And if you are pro-Valentine and nobody remembers to send you a cake, a message, or a card, since there is this general expectation that everyone should celebrate Valentine, don’t despair, it is better to be loved everyday, than once.  As for me, I’ll spend the day with family and friends. 

Linda ikeji

Thursday 11 February 2016

8 reasons why you're ready to Propose this Valentine..

Wondering whether you're really ready to get married or not? From your bank account to your friends, here are a few points to consider before popping the question.1. You're open about your finances.Make no mistake about it: Despite your undying love and devotion, money does matter to some extent. You should at least be familiar with each other's financial situations. If one or both of you are deeply in debt, money (or your lack thereof) could be an immediate source of conflict in your marriage.?”2. You've hit a milestone.If you've just made a big professional advance (like a raise or a promotion), it may be the perfect time to take the next big step in your personal life too. Your relationship is just like anything else you've worked hard toward, and the payoff is equally as rewarding.3. You've discussed your future together.Have you talked about your plans for your next vacation and your plans together 10 years from now? If you and your partner speak naturally and sincerely about your future together, that sort of confidence bodes well for your path together.4. Your partner is aware of your ambitions.Everyone has ambitions, but make sure your aspirations don't conflict with those of your partner. If you plan to spend all of your savings to start your own business in five years or, better yet, plan on spending a few months traveling and working abroad, your partner should know about that before you ask them to marry you.5. Your friends are fans.Chances are you've dated someone whom your friends didn't like much. Regardless of the root of the issue, a relationship becomes tough when your friends don't want anything to do with your significant other. If your friends have given him/her a resounding thumbs-up, you can rest easy knowing you won't have to spend your life choosing between them.6. You know your partner will say yes—for the right reasons.This may seem obvious, but if you feel the chance of your partner accepting your proposal is iffy, it's probably not the right time to ask. If the ups and downs of your relationship are too many to count, don't try to make things right by proposing. Propose when you know you're both on the same page about spending your lives together, not when you're trying to salvage your relationship.7. Moral standards/religious beliefsFinding love is merely the first step. Relationships are built on many factors: trust, attraction, hobbies and interests in common religious beliefs. You also do not necessarily have to agree on every minor moral issue, but you should be able to agree on the ones that are important to you and you are most passionate about. 8. Your partner is dropping hints, and that's okay.Maybe your significant other mentioned how they're really into cushion-cut rings. Or they'd love to honeymoon in Ghana; hints can also be a little less subtle when the wedding planner magazine mysteriously appears on your bed. If your instinct is to change the subject or shrug off the idea of an engagement entirely, you're likely not in a position to propose. But if the idea of getting married makes you happy, the only thing left to do is to get the right ring and start thinking on ways you want to pop the question.  Here is we come in. Eternal Gems offers a large selection of beautiful rings from around the world at competitive prices. With over 5 years of experience, we strive to bring you unbeatable value, high standard service and convenience. We deal in Sterling silver, Titanium, Tungsten, Stainless Steel and Solid Gold rings. We deliver nationwide and you can also stop by at any of our offices:Lagos Mainland office:     62B Opebi road, Beside Diamond Bank, opposite Keystone Bank, Salvation bus-stop.Lagos Island office:     E-BAR Plaza, 20 Admiralty way, Lekki Phase-one.Abuja Office   : Store U3A, Jabi Lake Mall, Jabi.Ibadan Office  :  Store C20, Shoprite Cocoa Mall, Dugbe.Follow us on,BBM Pin: 2BCF7860Hotline: 08094945645Whatsapp: 08062229354Facebook: myeternalgems@gmail.comWeb:

Linda ikeji

Ruggedman’s open letter to 9ice over accusation of infidelity with ex-wife

2016 is just into its second month and a  lot has gone down in the entertainment industry, most of which were hilariously unfortunate. Here is another, but this time it’s a good one. Michael Stephens, otherwise known by his stage name, ‘Rugged Man’ has written an open letter to his erstwhile friend, Abolore ‘9ice’Adigun, over his belated apology with regards to the accusation leveled against him, six years ago, by ‘Alapomeji Records’ boss, 9ice. Rugged Man You will recall that six years ago, the ‘Gongo Aso’ crooner accused Ruggedman of sleeping with his wife ‘Toni Payne’, which eventually led to their separation. Six years after, though all parties involved have moved on, 9ice publicly apologized to Ruggedman and his wife over the unfortunate incident. Ruggedman, in his usual fashion, has responded to 9ice’s apology by writing a lengthy open letter to his now sober friend. Below is a copy of the letter. “In 2010, 9ice released a song that made a lot of people wrongfully drag me into a terrible situation. People misconstrued the song and it created a rumor.  A terrible and false rumor that was fueled by journalists and bloggers, who were only after hits on their sites. Bloggers and journalists who did not care to investigate and confirm a rumor, but chose to print and post it anyway not caring who got hurt in the process. I remember pleading my innocence and that of Toni Payne but social media people being who and how they are, chose not to listen. I remember calling 9ice on the phone, CIA style, to talk to him about it and he was clearly heard admitting the song was not about myself or Toni Payne, but social media people being who and how they are, chose not to listen. I remember asking 9ice to publicly clear the air on the terrible rumor, but was shocked when my friend said he would not because he was busy and didn’t have time for such. Again nobody wondered why. Fast forward 2016. six years later and I was surprised when I heard that 9ice has finally come out to say i never slept with his wife and the song was not about me and even apologized on top. That he has finally come out to say the truth about the issue that cast a negative shadow over my head and that of his ex wife for six years. All I can do is smile because I know myself better than anybody out there who insulted me over the matter. I said it then and I say it now, Michael Ugochukwu Stephens will never sleep with his friends’ wives. Families and husbands you can now relax. Your daughters and wives are safe around me hahahahaha!! To 9ice, Bro, you left it a bit too late. You had your chance to clear this matter up six years ago when it really mattered but you did not take it. I do not know why and exactly what it was that made you keep quiet all that while. I did my best to clear my name without you and  have moved on since”. This is a good development in the right direction, as against what has been trending for a month now in the music industry. Will these estranged friends revert to their usual friendship ? Let us keep our fingers crossed.
Vanguard news

Chaos in YABATECH over death of a student (photos)

Students of Yaba College of Technology, protested heavily yesterday February 10th over the death of their colleague. According to a student who spoke with LIB, a student of HND 2, Department of Office Technology Management was rushed to the school's Medical Center on Tuesday night but they allege she was left unattended until she died around 2am. The student reportedly died two weeks to her exam. Angry students stormed the clinic, protesting violently, blaming her death on poor medical infrastructure and service. 

Kanye reveals 'final track list' for new album and meaning behind the title T.L.O.P

Kanye West compares himself to artist Pablo Picasso in his hit single No More Parties in L.A. featuring Kendrick Lamar. The 38-year-old rapper perhaps drew inspiration from the lyrics when he chose the songs and the third - and hopefully last - title for his seventh studio album coming out on Friday.Kanye took to Twitter to reveal the 'final track list' and meaning behind the abbreviated title T.L.O.P., which is 'The Life of Pablo.'The track list included Ultra Light Beam, Famous, Fade, Real Friends and Wolves, but not the song that he worked on with fellow rapper Kendrick.'I feel like Pablo when I’m workin’ on my shoes / I feel like Pablo when I see me on the news / I feel like Pablo when I’m workin’ on my house,' Kanye chants.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Ooni's security aide shot dead in Ife by armed robbers

Men suspected to be armed robbers, shot dead a security guard attached to the private home of the Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi located at Parakin Quarters yesterday February 9th. The security guard who was an officer of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), had stepped out of the compound to buy recharge card when he was sighted by the fleeing robbers who shot him and then made away with his rifle.He was confirmed dead ‎at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife where he was rushed to.Confirming the incident, the spokesperson of the NSCDC command in Osun, Wale Folarin, said"It is true one of our officers attached to the Ooni's palace was shot dead by some unidentified persons in front of a private residence of the Ooni. The killers went away with his gun. He died at the OAUTHC hospital Ife. We have arrested three suspects in connection with the crime and investigations continue as the command will get to the root of the 

Check out the world's most expensive Valentine's Day bouquet

The idea of Valentine's Day is sweet, right? A day to take stock of the love in your life and appreciate them. This bouquet of flowers cost $13,000 and they are the world's most expensive bouquet of roses.This 5-foot 1,000 rose setup is grown 12,500 feet up in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador. That's how they say they can get them so tall.But if this package isn't flashy enough for you, they've got more options. One which includes a bouquet of flowers, an iPad and a bottle of Cristal for $4,250.

Linda ikeji

Help!! I cant satisfy my girlfriend who wants sex every night ....

Dear Bunmi, My current girlfriend wants sex every night and I don’t keep up.I have these feelings she’s a nymphomaniac. We’ve been together a couple of months and there is no sign her ardor is slowing down. Love-gone-sour It’s great to have a woman who is so into me but I’m finding it hard to keep up with her demands. Sometimes it’s difficult to get an erection and I’m even wondering whether men can fake an orgasm like women do. Segun, by e-mail Dear Segun, Looks as if your body is struggling to keep up with your woman’s nightly demands and this is not a surprising sign. Everybody is entitled to a night off and you need to give your body a little love and attention too. Most relationships start with a passionate few months. But eventually you need to settle into a routine where sex fits in with the rest of your life. This doesn’t mean you fall out of love with your partner – quite the opposite. Part of the function of so much initial sex may be to condition the brain to your new lover. It’s been proved that when you have sex, two hormones are released – oxytocin and vasopressin – which are thought to form strong and deep emotional bonds between you. If these bonds are strong enough, you should be able to cut back the time you spend having sex. But that’s where the problem lies. What is satisfying to one person may not be to the other. It’s possible your girlfriend’s demands are due to feelings of insecurity about your relationship. If so, making her feel secure will allow your relationship to settle. I don’t think you should worry too much about erection failure. If you’re attempting sex that frequently then the problems could be your body’s way of asking for a rest.
Vanguard news

I love my boyfriend, but still find other men attractive

Dear Bunmi, I’m in a steady relationship with a guy I met three years ago, and I love him. Lately, however, I’ve been looking more and more at other men. Does this mean I’m falling out of love with my man? Love Aisha, By e-mail. Dear Aisha, Experts agree that eighteen months to two years into a relationship is a testing time. Up until then, delicious love hormones have been pumping through your bodies, keeping you both infatuated and ‘in lust’. They wear off anywhere from 9 to 18 months and the result is that you both come down to earth with a big thump, feeling flat and like you’re fallen out of love. Only you haven’t, it’s just that the chemical high is no longer there, and you can’t rely on lust tapping you on the shoulder. Now’s the time to officially work at your sex life. This means investing in a few good sex books and trying new things. Give up the myth that love is enough to keep you sexually attracted to each other .

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Jay Boi (da skinny)new hot club banger !!!

Following Lil Kesh's single EFEJOKU which has become one of the most popular club bangers and theme song in every media platforms, Rapper Jay Boi (Da Skinny) has come up with a comic remake of the song titled EFESOKU which has taken over the street. Azonto Crooner, Wizkid, in a bid to support the movement poses in a picture as though perceiving "iso" also known as fart. Download the song here: EFEJOKU Remix (Efesoku)
Download here........

Sunday 7 February 2016

Nigerians' reputation for crime has made them unwelcome in Europe and America- Buhari

During an interview with Telegraph UK in London this week, Pres. Buhari warned Nigerians to stop trying to make asylum claims in Britain, saying that their reputation for criminality has made it hard for them to be "accepted" abroad.Buhari said those who had joined the migrant exodus to Europe were doing so purely for economic reasons rather than because they were in danger.He added that because of the number of Nigerians imprisoned for law-breaking in Britain and elsewhere, they were also unlikely to get much sympathy."Some Nigerians claim is that life is too difficult back home, but they have also made it difficult for Europeans and Americans to accept them because of the number of Nigerians in prisons all over the world accused of drug trafficking or human trafficking. I don't think Nigerians have anybody to blame. They can remain at home, where their services are required to rebuild the country."he said

Linda ikeji

Idris Elba seen leaving New York nightclub with Naomi Campbell after a night out

Idris Elba, 43, and Naomi Campbell, 45, made time in their busy schedules to enjoy a night out at a New York nightclub together last week.The handsome British pair seemed to have linked up while Stateside and were pictured leaving the prestigious 1 Oak nightclub at the same time. They've been firm friends since he lent his star support to her Fashion For Relief charity event in 2014 but The Sun newspaper think they are more than friends.The supermodel and Empire actress is rumoured to be in America for hip replacement surgery in at the age of 45.Naomi, who has been walking the world's catwalks for three decades, was seen using a cane late last year with claims she had been discussing her hip surgery plans at the time. The buddies still seem to be supporting each other, with Naomi taking to Twitter to publicly congratulate him on his SAG Awards win, in the midst of the Oscars' race row.Naomi Tweeted him just last week after his SAG awards win, and said: 'Congratulations @Idriselba you deserve your double WIN. @SAGawards' Idris has a son with his girlfriend, make up artist, Nayiana Garth

Linda ikeji

Killer – Zika Fever : Mosquito–borne virus is potential death sentence.

By Sola Ogundipe THIS is the season of  fevers. The menace of fevers is rocking the world. True, yellow fever is no longer a global threat, but malaria fever is still with us while  typhoid fever remains on the prowl . Sierra Leone is still at alert for Ebola fever and Saudi Arabia is wary of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome a.k.a MERS – a viral respiratory illness that is relatively new to humans. Most people infected with MERS-CoV developed severe acute respiratory illness, including fever, cough, and shortness of breathe. It was first reported three years ago and the Saudi government is “very keen” on finding a vaccine since there is pressing need to control the spread of the MERS virus. The Lassa fever epidemic,  currently running around in Nigeria,  also comes to mind. Nigerians are not at ease because there is no  vaccine  against  the disease at  the moment; and  no experimental vaccine has completely protected non-human primates against a lethal challenge. But right now, the world is not much bothered by MERS, Lassa fever or even Ebola, The world’s latest health scare is a seemingly minor illness that carries a killer wrapped inside – Zika, the mosquito-borne virus that is sweeping across Latin America in the form of a tropical fever, linked to neurological problems and a surge in microcephaly, a condition in which babies are born with abnormally small heads. The defect can cause brain damage and death. The outbreak of Zika virus has led authorities in some countries to urge couples not to get pregnant, while the US Centers  for Disease Control, CDC, has warned pregnant women to avoid traveling to at least 25 affected countries. On February 1, 2016, the World Health Organisation (WHO)  declared Zika virus a  public health emergency of international concern. Following an Emergency Committee Meeting  on Zika virus, convened under the International Health Regulations, 18 experts and advisers looked, in particular, at the strong association, in time and place, between infection with the Zika virus and a rise in detected cases of congenital malformations and neurological complications. The experts agreed that a causal relationship between Zika infection during pregnancy and microcephaly is strongly suspected, though not yet scientifically proven, but all agreed on the urgent need to coordinate international efforts to investigate and understand this relationship better. The experts also considered patterns of recent spread and the broad geographical distribution of mosquito species that can transmit the virus. The lack of vaccines and rapid and reliable diagnostic tests, and the absence of population immunity in newly affected countries were cited as further causes for concern. After a review of the evidence, the Committee advised that the recent cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders reported in Brazil, following a similar cluster in French Polynesia in 2014, constituted an “extraordinary event” and a public health threat to other parts of the world. Director General, WHO, Dr Margaret Chan, in a statement, afterwards,  said: “I am now declaring that the recent cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders reported in Brazil, following a similar cluster in French Polynesia in 2014, constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Chan said a coordinated international response is needed to improve surveillance, the detection of infections, congenital malformations, and neurological complications, to intensify the control of mosquito populations, and to expedite the development of diagnostic tests and vaccines to protect people at risk, especially during pregnancy. Although the Committee found no public health justification for restrictions on travel or trade to prevent the spread of Zika virus, it noted that, at present, the most important protective measures are the control of mosquito populations and the prevention of mosquito bites in at-risk individuals, especially pregnant women.   The virus What’s Zika? This is probably the million-dollar question. Sunday Vanguard  investigations revealed that the  virus was first identified in a  rhesus monkey specie in Africa in 1947. WHO  confirmed  that Zika is actually named after a forest in Uganda where the first infected rhesus monkeys were found. The virus then “jumped”, over time, to humans in Uganda and Tanzania in East Africa. Hospital information says most of the time, Zika disease infection goes unnoticed. The symptoms are like a mild case of the flu — headache, muscle and joint pain, and mild fever — plus a rash and usually last two to seven days. Zika is linked to  two serious complications: Neurological problems and birth defects in babies born to infected women. The main neurological complication is  Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disorder in which the immune system attacks the nervous system, causing weakness and sometimes paralysis. Most patients recover, but the syndrome is sometimes deadly. Cases linked to Zika were first reported in Brazil and French Polynesia. Microcephaly and other brain deformities in newborns have also been reported, particularly in Brazil.  Since the  Zika outbreak began, last year, microcephaly cases have surged. With no vaccine, or specific treatment, Zika has become a potential death sentence overnight.   ‘No more pregnancy’ Recently, the  US Centers for Diseases Control issued a travel ban for pregnant women. Don’t travel to Brazil,  it warned. For women in Brazil,  Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador,  Jamaica  and at least 18 other Latin America and Caribbean countries, women have been advised to avoid pregnancy for the time being. An American woman was  reportedly said to have given  birth to a baby with microcephaly after traveling to Brazil. The Zika virus itself is considered a bit of a dark horse by scientists. A member of the   flaviviridae  family transmitted to humans by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, it is related to other pathogenic vector borne flaviviruses including Dengue , West-Nile and Japanese encephalitis viruses but prior to the last few months, produced a comparatively mild disease in humans.   The vector Like dengue fever and chikungunya, two similar diseases, Zika is transmitted by the aedes mosquito species found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The specific host of the Zika virus is the   aedes aegypti  mosquito. It has a number of aliases including  the yellow fever mosquito, tiger mosquito or stegomyia mosquito.  The vector host is well distributed in Africa, the surrounding tropics and subtropics, south eastern US, the Middle East, South East Asia, Pacific and Indian Islands and Northern Australia.  Sunday Vanguard  gathered that the first documented transmission of Zika virus, outside of its traditional endemic areas in Africa and Asia,was recorded in 2007, when it caused an outbreak on the island of Yap in the Pacific. Today, Zika virus is considered an emerging infectious disease with the potential to spread to new areas where the aedes mosquito vector is present. However, there is still no evidence of transmission Zika virus in Europe to date and imported cases are rare. Entomological information provided by the European Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, ECDCP, shows that the aedes aegypti   is a relatively small insect with an aggressive biting habit. It is easily distinguished by its characteristic black and white pattern due to the presence of white/silver scale patches on a black background on the legs and other parts of the body. Aedes aegypti  has a high biting and disease risk. It is a known vector of several viruses including yellow fever virus, dengue virus and chikungunya virus. Others are Japanese encephalitis, viral haemorrhagic fevers and Zika virus. Over the past 25 years there has been an increase in distribution of this mosquito to every continent worldwide making it one of the most widespread mosquito species globally. The success of this invasive species has largely been due to globalisation. It thrives in densely populated areas which lack reliable water supplies, waste management and sanitation. Historically, this mosquito has moved from continent to continent via ships, and this method of dispersal is thought to present the highest risk. It is even suggested that the mosquito evolved its domestic behaviour in West Africa and its widespread distribution and colonisation in the tropics led to the highly efficient inter-human transmission of viruses such as dengue. Sunday Vanguard  investigations show that  aedes aegypti prefers mammalian hosts and will preferentially feed on humans, even in the presence of alternative hosts. Historically, the mosquitoesi  were found in forested areas, using tree holes as aquatic habitats. But as they have adapted to more urban domestic habitats, they have exploited a wide range of artificial containers such as vases, water tanks and tyres that are often associated with human habitations. The mosquito has also been found utilising underground aquatic habitats such as septic tanks and adapting to use both indoor and outdoor aquatic habitats in the same area. Adaptation to breeding outdoors may allow for increased population numbers and difficulty in implementation of control methods. The insect is often not found further than 100m from human habitations. They prefer human habitations that provide resting and host-seeking possibilities and, as a result, will readily enter buildings.   Hope for a vaccine How far away is a Zika virus vaccine? Experts say research efforts will focus on developing a vaccine for the mosquito-borne illness, but it will take time. However, scientists have quickly turned their attention to trying to develop a vaccine, but a widely available safe and effective Zika vaccine is not likely this year and   probably not in the next few years. Two potential approaches have been mapped out to developing a Zika vaccine. The first is a DNA-based strategy similar to one employed in a vaccine for West Nile virus, in which a piece of the virus’s genetic structure is inserted into another harmless virus and used to create an immune response in the patient. The second, more traditional approach would use a live attenuated vaccine in which the virus has been weakened to prompt immunity. Last week, Genekam, a German biotechnology company, said it had created technology that can not only reveal the presence of Zika pathogens in a blood sample, but also shed light on the quantity in the patient’s blood. The new test can, therefore, definitely determine if a person is a carrier of the Zika virus, as only one in five people infected actually becomes ill, the media reports. Additionally, the test renders diagnostic results in real time, which is relatively quick for a virus of this kind. The test examines DNA and works with chemicals that react to the Zika virus only. As the race to come up with a vaccine that could fight Zika virus hots up, scientists admit that it’s not going to be easy. Scientists from around the world have pledged to fast-track the research. U.S. National Institutes of Health, Brazil’s Butantan Institute and the Public Health Agency of Canada  have already started their research. Biotech firm, NewLink Genetics and Merck & Co, who are behind the successful Ebola vaccine, are also working on a possible solution. Large Pharmaceutical companies like Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline and Japan’s Takeda pharmaceutical are also in the race to develop the Zika virus vaccine. However, despite technological advancements, scientists confessed that there are many challenges to the development of a vaccine.The target profile is women who are pregnant or who are planning to get pregnant – which is about the highest bar there is for safety. Last  week, Bharat Biotech Ltd., in India, claimed it  already had a possible Zika virus vaccine. It even said  it  actually had two. It said it could  possibly make one million doses and that  it aimed  to provide help to  fellow BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) member-country, Brazil. But the vaccine will also need to undergo further animal trials, which could take some time. Rage of viruses In recent years, viruses have been emerging from nowhere. Outbreaks of killer-viruses like SARS, swine flu, and West Nile  have raised international fears. One other virus dominating the headlines is a new strain of bird flu (H7N9) in China. Detected last year, the virus transmits easily from birds to humans, killing about one in five people it infects. Fears also centre around a novel coronavirus (NCoV), a SARS-like virus. The world’s fears of viruses is clear: Which one has the capacity to become an uncontrollable pandemic. In a world of global air travel, a deadly virus could sweep round the earth with frightening speed. Viruses outnumber all other life forms on earth. Scientists have estimated that there are about 10 million times the number of stars in the universe. A virus that kills more quickly than it can spread will die out before infecting a significant proportion of the population. A perpetual fear is that deadly viruses will mutate to develop person to person transmission, allowing rapid spread (rather than, for example, spreading to humans from an infected animal source). The WHO’s recent admission that the novel coronavirus is probably spreading from person to person made the news for this reason. The creation of genetically modified viruses in the laboratory is believed to be increasing the potential of deadliness of viruses. An altered virus is probably one of the most dangerous viruses you can make. Resaerchers could inadvertently be tampering with the delicate balance of nature and putting the world at risk. No one really knows what the future holds for the battle against viruses. Their resilient nature makes eradication seem unlikely, so man will need to keep innovating.
Vanguard news

Saturday 6 February 2016

5 Things women never tell their men

Okay, we know the most common one: most women lie about the “O” word. But there are other things besides that the modern woman lies about. Very often! THEIR first gig For most adult women, the first sexual experience is unforgettable and probably the best ever. Even if they have not kept in touch with their first man, they remember him with fondness if he did not leave them pregnant and stranded with a baby. But will they ever tell their man this? Never. Studies show the average woman lies about the age at which she was disvirgined, adding anything between 2 and 10 years to the age. For instance, if a woman got disvirgined at 14, she is likely to put the figure at 20 to her current man. Men, on the other hand, openly boast about their earlier sexual conquests. That they check out other men A man might be so close to the girl in his life that he would point out other women’s body parts that he finds attractive and everybody would have a good laugh. On the other hand, a woman would never do that. If she thinks the guy next door has a cute ass, she never, ever mentions it to the man in her life. Not only would she not mention it, she would never ever even make the blunder of oogling the attractive derriere when their man is around. Studies show women make lewd jokes about other men when they are with girlfriends just as much as men do, and they even fantasie but are great about hiding it. That she hates cooking A few years down the line, many relationships run into crisis on this account- many many women just do not like to cook. In our part of the world, girls are raised not only to learn how to cook but to happily cook for other people for the rest of their lives, three times a day. If they cannot live up to that ‘simple’ responsibility, they are complete failures, especially in relationships. Women are therefore happy to pretend to be kitchen genies at the beginning of relationships and would never admit to not just absolutely loving cooking. Rather, they prefer to give their man the impression that they live just to feed him as many times as possible in a day. Unfortunately, that impression is bound to waste when she insists of going out for dinner every so often when the relationship is established. She feels insulted when he gives her money Of course nothing makes your man feel grander than knowing he has met his woman’s need and probably even exceeded her expectations, especially if he had to bend over backwards to do it. Studies show the average woman is actually disappointed almost every time their man gives them a gift, especially when it is money. Truth is, today’s working women have developed very sophisticated tastes that their men can barely keep up with, and they are ready to work very hard when it’s necessary to do so. But would a woman ever complain her man has not even scratched the surface when he gives her cash? Never. She does not trust him For all her freedoms and liberation, a woman is far less likely than a man to voice her insecurities in a relationship that the other way round. She has watched her mother look the other way more often than not. She has heard her aunt tell her uncountable times of how it’s a man’s world. She has been called names just for showing a flash of jealousy and she has been told by the census that there are more women than men. Her girlfriends are telling her to be wise and hold on to her straying man and so while he snoops and snoops and finds nothing, she makes minimal efforts and finds everything but does she ever mention it? Never. The reason that hot new househelp gets a shaven head and the girlfriend is told jokingly to do her top buttons up is not because she does not trust her girlfriend or the maid but because she certainly does not trust her man. Her man might ask the question a dozen times- “honey, do you trust me?” and her answer would be a big fat lying “Yes”

Vanguard news

I have sex three to four times everyday

henever the name, Maheeda is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is controversy, sex, nudity and promiscuity. The goddess of X and Naija Bad Girl as she is fondly called by her fans isn’t afraid to go nude as she’s constantly releasing nude photos of herself online and sexually explicit videos. Showtime Celebrity visited her studio in Dolphin Estate, Lagos, where she opens up on her sex life and more… What have you been up to in recent times? I’ve been bad, I’ve been naughty… You’ve seen Naija Bad Girl video and Lasgidi Chick. Now, I’m trying to see if I can drop one single before the end of the year. But I’m not sure that will be possible because I’m shooting the video in November. So, It could be next year. What is the inspiration behind your “Naija Bad Girl” song? I had this vision of what’s happening right now. Like I’m very bad, like I’m the baddest girl in Nigeria which is not true. So, my vision is actually to see my posters in people’s bedrooms and stuff like that. I want to be that sex symbol one can imagine of. Why do you want to be a Sex symbol? Because it works abroad. It could work here too. I had my challenges. They are still there but there’s no stopping me because I know that for anything new you have to fight for it But why are you leveraging on being a sex symbol? Because sex sells. I want to make money and also, I want to make my name. It’s the only space in the Nigerian music industry that is just there, everybody is scared to tread on such a path, so I’m daring it. You came back from Holland recently. What were you doing there? I went to Holland because of my daughter. She’s about to enter High School and I don’t want her to go to school over there. My husband taught me a lot. He opened my mind to see a lot of things in different ways, so, I said alright foreign education would be very nice for my daughter. I actually sacrificed staying in Nigeria for my daughter. What really made you start putting those videos online? To attract attention. I knew it’s going to draw the desired attention to me. So, that’s why I did it and like I said, sex sells and that’s just one of the ways to show it off. What message are you trying to convey with your nude pictures and videos? I don’t know if I’m trying to convey any message or I’m just doing my business. I think I’m just entertaining my fans. Sometimes, you add your personal life and culture and stuff like that to it. But for me, its business right now. Do you make money from it? Right now, Yes. I have this Australian tour coming up and they have already paid me. I’m not going to tell you how much but imagine going online to buy tickets. So, you know how much already I’ve been paid. What does sex mean to you? It’s like food, it’s like shower. I’m trying to say it’s natural, it comes naturally. Your body would request for it. Sometimes my body would request for it like 4 times a day, maybe 5, maybe once but anytime sha, we go do am well Like how much do you get paid for your sex stuff? I also do modeling in Holland. If you change the money it would run into millions of naira. How about guys who want to get down with you and pay you for sex? I don’t do that. I do Modeling and Entertainment also, strictly business. Some people just want you to be a waiter and they want you to look sexy, that also goes.   Have you ever been approached by someone who is willing to pay to have sex with you? Yes, a lot of them all over the world. But I turn them down because of my husband.   But your husband won’t know about such game? My husband is a very nice guy and I think I owe him that, at least. I’ve done a lot that not all guys can really tolerate. I owe him that respect.   Do you believe prostitution should be legalized? Yes, because I’ve been there. I’ve been with these girls and I know what they are going through and I’ve been to Holland where I think prostitution is legalised. I see the way they handle it. It won’t be bad here because it’s everywhere anyway and they’re not stopping it, so why not just legalise it and let’s just know its happening. I mean it’s everywhere. As a woman, what turns you on sexually? Appearance, a little bit rugged and strong presence. Also, character is part of it. He has to have a good heart.   Is it a must for you to have sex every day? Yes, it’s a must. It’s necessary… If it doesn’t happen, that means I’m travelling or something like that. Let’s assume your husband is not in Nigeria? I’ll masturbate. I will use my sex toys to satisfy myself. Would you compare it to the real thing? Not at all, it’s impossible. You can’t even compare wearing condom with the real thing but it’s necessary. What do you consider your selling point? I think it’s my body and now it’s becoming my life story also. People are beginning to really want to know more about me, about Caroline not even Maheeda   How often do you have sex as the goddess of X? Early in the morning, maybe late at night but when my husband is not in town then I’ll try the dildos. I have a lot of dildos, different colors and different types. I’m even thinking maybe I should just open a sex shop, it’s even better Are you addicted to sex? I love sex, everybody is addicted to sex. Why does everybody just think I’m the only one? If there’s no sex, I won’t be normal. Everything will just be sexy to me Do you think there will be a time when you’ll stop having sex? I don’t pray for that time. Till I’m old, I would like to have sex How long have you been in Nigeria? I just arrived the country this week. Within this period, have you had sex? Yes, my husband is in Nigeria. I had sex this morning. Have you ever had a threesome? I did that long time ago but now with my husband, no. I don’t want these girls to take him away from me. What is the wildest thing you’ve ever done in the bedroom? I was with a guy and he was really not good in bed. Suddenly, his brother came in, and I just had sex with him as well as his brother.   Was he in the same room with his brother? No, but he disappointed me in bed. And since I needed it and his brother was available, so I had to do it with him. It was one after the other. People see me as a bad girl now, but I think it was before. It was just unbelievable. Would you say you love sex or it’s just because of the money issue? Don’t you love sex? The thing is sweet. But what I’m doing is not because I love sex but I mean, when God gives you lemon then you make lemonade. I love sex so I use it and it’s all the same. That’s why it’s natural and it’s working for me. You were once a gospel singer, why did you decide to switch over? Gospel wasn’t really working. Moreover, inside me, I was like I don’t think making money in the name of God is really what I wanted to do. They try to justify it, that it’s okay. You can sing and make money in the name of God but deep inside me, it wasn’t working for me then. So, I said if I wanted to make money, let me just make money without carrying the Bible. Does your conscience ever prick you? No. If you look at my neck, I have ‘Grace’ tattooed there. That is what is keeping me going. I believe its grace. Even the pastors sin, so I believe it’s just grace that is sustaining me and allowing me to do what I’m doing today. That’s just what I believe in, and I try not to judge myself and I don’t judge people too. What’s your view of religion? For me, if it’s not love, if you don’t speak with love then forget it. I don’t want to be a part of it. It has to be love. If you want to kill me because of religion then I don’t think you have love inside. May be, it’s wrong but that’s my belief and I believe people should respect other people’s beliefs Has your daughter watched your nude videos? Yes. What’s her reaction? She’s proud of me because the way you train your children here is different from the way children are trained abroad. In abroad, you have people doing soap adverts and they’re completely naked. They just hide what I was hiding also and it’s normal What if she decides to do what you’re doing? Right now, she’s under my care. I won’t allow her but when she’s up to 18 and she might say “mommy, I saw what you did and I want to do the same.” I’ll say it’s your choice. People have to make their choices. I mean my mom wasn’t a nudist or whatever, she was a very nice woman but look at me today. I’m not saying I’m not nice but I’m trying to say she didn’t go showing off all her body everywhere. Nobody even knew her but look at me. I mean pastors’ children also end up in club so you can’t really say because of what mommy is doing, that means the daughter would do the same. I don’t believe that.
Vangard news

How 11 escaped death in Lagos-bound Bristow helicopter incident

By Evelyn Usman, Bose Adelaja & Monsur Olowoopejo, with Agency reports Lagos—Eleven persons yesterday escaped death after a Bristow 5B BJQ helicopter en-route Lagos from an off-shore location in Port Harcourt ditched into the Atlantic Ocean. The News Agency of Nigeria, NAN,  reports that the helicopter was carrying nine passengers and two crew members when the incident happened. File. Bristow crash in Lagoon. The Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB), Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) confirmed the incident. Mr Sam Adurogboye, spokesperson of NCAA, in a text message, said there was no casualty as the 11 persons on board were rescued after the chopper ditched into the Atlantic Ocean. “It happened 70 nautical miles off Lagos. They were returning from their off-shore location called ERA. Nine passengers and two crew on board were all rescued,” he said. The AIB, in a statement also confirmed the crash. According to the statement; “A S76 C++ helicopter marked 5N-BQJ belonging to Bristow Helicopters, which departed ERHA Platform en-route Lagos was ditched into the Atlantic Ocean 95 nautical miles into destination at about 10:20 am local time. “All the eleven peoples on board, including two crew members were rescued alive. “Accident Investigation Bureau, AIB has commenced investigation into the occurrence. Details will be communicated to you later,” it said. Similarly, the General Manager of LASEMA, Mr Michael Akindele, in a statement, said emergency responders including three RRS search and rescue Helicopters, Nigeria Navy, Air Force and others were deployed for the operation. “The helicopter ditched inside the ocean, however 11 souls on board are alive, no casualty,” he said. Akindele said Agip, Mobil and Shell oil companies helped with the provision of speed boats to facilitate the rescue operation. He said Bristow Helicopter also provided landing boat for the evacuation of the survivors. The Media Consultant to Bristow Helicopters, Mr Cornelius Onuora, said the incident was not a crash but a controlled ditching, which was an emergency landing of a helicopter on water. Onuora said the pilot observed that there was a technical issue with the helicopter and he decided to land it earlier than scheduled. Also, the Flag Officer Commanding, FOC Western Naval Command of the Nigerian Navy, Rear Admiral Ralph Osondu said “MV DIJAMA launched two of its boats to rescue all 11 people in the helicopter. Rear Admiral Osondu said, “MV DIJAMA was the first to get to the scene. It happened 40 nautical miles from Igbokoda, Ondo State. The helicopter had nine passengers and two crew members. All were rescued and handed over to a speedboat, SURFER P2621, which took them ashore to the nearest hospital in Ondo State.”   Crash forces Reps to adjourn proceedings Meantime, news of the crash yesterday, forced House of Representatives’ Committee on Aviation to adjourn its activities indefinitely. According to reports, the committee was conducting the defence of the 2016 budget by agencies and departments in the aviation sector when it ended the session abruptly. Chairman of the committee, Nkiruka Onyejeocha (PDP-Abia) announced that the budget defence could not continue as a result of the incident.

Friday 5 February 2016

President Muhammadu Buhari has begun a short vacation from today, February 5 to Wednesday, February 10, 2016.

A statement on Friday by the Special Adviser to the President (Media and Publicity), Femi Adesina, said “While President Buhari is on vacation, the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo will perform the functions of the President. “In compliance with Section 145 (1) of the Nigerian Constitution, President Buhari has dispatched a formal notice of his vacation to the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Source vanguard news

High Heel shoes: The bitter price of elegance

When it comes to shoes, some women will go through hell for a pair of the London Jimmy Choo brand. The brand became notable in the fashion circles, especially for its high heeled bridals since 1996. Since wearing high-heeled shoes is an art, women deserve medals for learning to walk in them let alone run! But what effect does wearing high heel have on our bodies? High Heel  shoes Most women believe that if they wear high-heeled shoes they will become more attractive, sexier, more cultured, corporate and sophisticated as well as boost their confidence. These days at social functions, including churches, as every day wear, especially in the corporate world, Nigerian ladies can be seen wearing these ridiculously high-heeled shoes that come as high as 14 to 16 inches. There are different kinds — the wedge, clogs, ankle strap heels, wedge sandals and the high heel sandals and they come in assorted colours. Unknown to many, the constant wearing of these shoes presents some very serious health risks as experts have warned that they could constitute harm to the feet, hip, back and even lead to permanent body deformities. “The negative effects of wearing high heels can be experienced in particular sections of the feet, knees, legs and back. Dr Onyebuchi Ahoma, a Clinical Psychologist, says that ladies who wear heels put themselves through unnecessary misery and pain. “Some of them cannot even walk straight on heels because they feel uncomfortable but because they think it is chic and trendy they want to endure and ignore the pains they feel,’’ he said. Dr Abubakah Muhyi, an Orthopaedic Surgeon with the National Hospital, Abuja, says that high heel shoes have been the leading cause that usually brought female patients to visit orthopaedic doctors. Muhyi says that the constant wearing of shoes with high heels or narrow toes have led to a high incidence in corrective foot operations. According to him, this is what happens when women choose fashionable footwear over health, and many of them aren’t even aware that they are causing harm to their health. “Years of wearing heels can lead to bunions or other infractions of the toe and calf. These signs often surface in middle aged women. “When a woman is walking on heels, she is basically walking on the balls of her feet. The ball of the foot will experience intense pressure and this pressure more than doubles with every inch in the height of shoe heel. “Ankle injuries are always a threat and the degree of injuries can extend from sprains to fractures. Calluses, corns and bunions can be formed on feet due to high heels, especially if the shoes are tight or walked on for long periods. “Metatarsalgia is a condition affecting the ball of the foot, where all the weight is concentrated on when a woman is in heels. “Hammertoes is a condition where the toes are maintained in downward curled position because of the continual confinement of the feet in the high heels. “The muscles of the feet become tight and are unable to stretch and straighten when out of the shoes. “Women may complain of numbness, sharp pain and burn in the toes and ball of the foot when wearing high heeled shoes — all of which are symptoms of `Morton’s Neuroma’ which is the inflammation of the tissue surrounding the nerve between the third and fourth toes,’’ he told newsmen. Dr Babalola Olatunji, a Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon with the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi (NOHIL), Lagos, says that high heels cause much more pressure on the knees than what the knees are designed for, and could give rise to a condition called osteoarthritis as well as other joint disorders. Olatunji noted that women who wear high heels frequently have a higher incidence of degenerative joint disease of the knees. This is because they cause a decrease in the normal rotation of the foot which puts more rotation stress on the knee. He says that a similar condition could occur with the Achilles tendon where it could retain its shortened state even when a woman is not wearing high heels. “The calves will tend to retain the contracted and shortened state due to the feet being in high heels. The calf muscles may become difficult or virtually impossible to straighten without medical intervention. “High heels can cause a change in the way the muscles and tendons work together while walking. Normally, a tendon stretches and shortens, making walking easy on the muscles of the calf. “However, heels wearing can cause the tendons, especially the Achilles tendon to shorten, leaving the strain on the muscles of the calf to do all the work. “They can cause foot pain, increase likelihood of sprains and fractures, and make the calves look more rigid and sinewy. They can also create foot deformities, causing an unsteady gait, shorten the wearer’s stride and can also render the wearer unable to run,’’ he said. Another Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon at NOHIL, Lagos, Dr Akintayo Akindele, is of the opinion that regular wearing of high heel shoes could affect the body posture of a woman. “The increased weight on the toes caused the body to tilt forward and to compensate, you lean backwards and overarch your back creating a posture that can strain your knees, hips and lower back. “Because the feet will be in a fixed position, the woman will have to bend her spine in the lower back more to keep her balance. “Some women may wonder where certain back, shoulder and neck pain may come from. Well, high heels are a prime cause of such pain in the torso,’’ he added. Akindele says that with each inch added to a heel, greater problems could arise, but there are also ways to wear heels more safely… So, if you insist on wearing high heels and you are concerned about muscle and joint strains, his advice is simple: “I am not telling people they shouldn’t wear heels, but should, maybe wear them in moderation and alternate with other flat shoes. “Women who wear high heels can take them off when feeling uncomfortable, while driving or sitting at their desk at work. Try, if possible to ease back a bit on the high footwear. “Wear high heels maybe once or twice a week. And if that’s not practical or desirable, try to remove the heels whenever possible. “Settle for shoes that are light and comfortable and don’t have a tight area for the toes. Also, women must stray from tempting selections with a high heel. In the long run, your feet will thank you for your efforts.’’ In spite of the fuss over high heel shoes for Nigerian women, Miss Juliet Igwe, a final year student of Tai-Solarin University of Education, Ijebu Ode, Ogun, says that such shoes are like a “Fashion Mantra’’ for her. She adds that they complete her total appearance, beauty and self esteem. “I love wedge heels, they make you walk elegantly and you feel this aura of confidence that completes your feminine personality. “Whether they are associated with any form of health risk, I am not aware,’’ she said. Ms Rita Izunobi, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ritz Make-up and Décor, says high heel shoes are an essential aspect of a lady’s dressing. “For a working class lady or a lady who deals with the corporate world, heels are a must wear to greatly enhance your personal standing and gait. “I heard they could cause back pain, but I have never experienced any,’’ Izunobi said. A civil servant, Mrs Titi Tela, is of the opinion that high heels could be uncomfortable but inevitable when it comes to a woman’s wardrobe. “Many women wear them to look and feel sexy, professional, or to boost confidence, but most ladies carry flat slip-ons or shoes in their bags to alternate because these heels can be very discomforting and you do not have a choice but to slip out of them,’’ she said. Mr Joe Onalo, an engineer, thinks that ladies who wear high heels look attractive. “I admire ladies on high heels because they have a way of catching one ’s fancy, attention and admiration.’’ By Lucy Osuizigbo, (NAN)

Vanguard  news 

Megan Good & DeVon Franklin smoulder on Rolling Out cover as they explains why saving sex for marriage is the key to success

In a revealing cover story for Rolling Out, Minister and Hollywood executive, DeVon Franklin and his actress wife Meagan Good urged fans to wait and explains why they chose to walk a different way - celibacy.

"I was tired of living a lie. Doing one thing outside of the pulpit and doing another thing in the pulpit. I really wanted to align my spiritual life with my personal life,” said Franklin.
Meagan Good detailed doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, only to meet further heartbreak.
"After my last relationship, I was in a place where I was just like, ‘Why do I keep running into walls?’ I got tired of it and decided that I was going to do it all your God’s way. Not half your way. I’m going to do all of it and it really changed everything," she said.
Needles to say, it was their discipline and vow of celibacy that allowed the long time couple to find an organic, true love — with each other. Today, the couple who recently released The Wait, "a powerful practice for finding the love of your life and the life you love," shares why saving sex for marriage is the key to success.

QueenSylvia Akuchie: transforming her passion for fashion to wealth

Film and Television Costume Designer, QueenSylvia Akuchie is a budding celebrity stylist, Costume Designer and Style Director.  Sylvia, who discovered her flair for the creative arts at a tender age, has over the years transformed her passion for fashion into a stylishly rewarding career. QueenSylvia Akuchie Nestled under her own fashion concierge and image consulting agency, EyekonStyles International Inc., Sylvia caters to an array of clients within the film, television and music industry. With over 10 years of experience, her resume includes some of the world’s most recognizable talents including; Hollywood mogul Tyler Perry, hiphop star Lil Wayne, Grammy-award winning Marsha Ambrosius, and R&B chart-topper Mario, just to name a few. The Atlanta based stylist, takes prides in treating her clients as blank canvases in order to create what she considers fashionable masterpieces. Her work has been notably featured in Essence, Ebony, and Men’s Health magazines; and on many prestigious red carpets including the BET Awards, Emmys, Oscars, Grammys, NAACP Image Awards, Tony Awards, Stellar Awards, Soul Train Music Awards among many others. Sylvia tells us more.. At what point in life did you discover your creative flair? I think in high school, when it was about homecoming and prom season, I would go to the store to find a dress to wear, and I could never find anything I liked, so I would always design it myself. So when I was in grade school. I would just buy fabric and draw something and have a tailor sew it, so that was when I actually discovered that was like I have this talent. I didn’t know where I got the talent from, because my mother was a nurse and my dad was an IT person. But when I did my research, I found out that one of my grandfathers was one of the tailors for the Biafra soldiers, he designed some of the uniforms. My mother loved fashion. She would dress us up as kids, like her little baby dolls, we would have every Easter dress, Christmas dress, from the hat to the shoes to the gloves. When did you realise you could make a living from being a costume designer? I realized it when I learned I could get paid for it. It didn’t have to be a hobby anymore; it could actually be a  career. I remember while watching television with a roommate in collage, and the credits were rolling, and I saw costume designer, at that point, I realized it’s actually a job. People get paid to do this, so that was how it kind of happened. Did you get your parents support? My mom thought I was wasting time and her money. For Nigerians in that time, creative talent wasn’t accepted. She wasn’t as receptive to it, until I actually graduated from college and ended up with a really good project and she began to see my name on different projects on Tv. People started asking her if it was her daughter’s name they saw on TV the other day, and she would go “Yes, actually it was my daughter. Initially it was like “is that how you are going to live the rest of your life?” What else are you going to do?” But all that has changed now. Form styling commercials, you moved on to music videos, album covers, then film and television, what was the evolution like for you? I started doing music;  I kind of knew a lot of musicians before I knew actors and actresses. I have worked with a lot of musicians. My first gig was a TV commercial for a clothing store called City Trends. After that I discovered I could do a lot in other areas, and here we are today. How did you get some of Hollywood biggest names on your clientele list? Getting to work with the big names is definitely God’s doing. There was a team of us who actually worked on the movie Stomp the Yard. That head of department, because I was working under a costume designer, got the project at Tyler Perry studios and asked me to join him on it. From there I kind of grew with Tyler Perry studios, and grew with other productions as well. As people begin to see your work, not just in Atlanta, people start to recognize you. He also worked  with a lot of other people as well, and would often ask me to style other big celebrities. He has kind of been that push for me, so that was how I got the big names. From there I gained a mentor, Susan Batson. She is an acting coach for a lot of big names, like Angelina Jolie, Russel Crowe and she was one of his acting coaches for a film that we did. She is the most amazing woman I have ever met. She is very spiritual, I really enjoy her. We just connected on every level of life.

Vanguard  news 

Opa William’s Three Wise Men gets BOI’s funding Read more at:

A star-studded film, The Three Wise Men, is the latest in the series of films funded by the Bank of Industry (BOI) under its initial N1.0billion loan scheme tagged NollyFund. Produced by popular comedy entrepreneur, Opa Williams, the film is coming after Kunle Afolayan’s The CEO, Okey Ogunjiofor’s Queen Amina and Emem Isong’s Anyama, all of which got funding from the bank. Currently being shot in Parafa, Ikorodu, an outskirt of Lagos, the film parades veteran actors such as Richard Mofe Damijo, Zack Orji, Victor Olaotan, Tina Mba and Ebele Okaro. Directed by Patience Oghre Imobhio, The Three Wise Men, according to Williams, is a Dramatic comedy that humorously presents the follies of three aged men. He said: “The comedy satirizes the actions and intents of three elderly men in their mid/late 60’s who struggle to re-live their lost youth. After many years of service in different government parastatals the three aged men are retired and they all settled in a suburb  to enjoy their retirement benefits. How they decide to spend this retirement money remains highly humorous and dramatic. Visiting the film location recently, officials of BOI, led by Mrs. Uche Nwuka C. Nwuka, Group Head, Creative Industry observed as the cast and crew shot two scenes, involving RMD, Zack Orji, Victor Olaotan and Gennfie Kanu, a relatively new actress, while Tina Mba and Ebele Okaro among others were seen rehearsing their lines. Other officers of the bank who visited the film location include Okechukwu Madu, Assistant Manager (CI); Stanley Onugu, Assistant Manager (LE Credits); Tejumade Talabi, BO(CI) and Toyin Oyekanmi, BO(CCD). Williams informed the BOI team that 30 members of crew are involved in the production of the film, adding that the project has also employed about 100 individuals, including new set of actors that are being groomed for various roles.

Vanguard  news 

Mbaka: Priest, Politician Or Renegade? By Reuben Abati

Catholic priests in Nigeria have always captured the public imagination, some of them have served in government positions, some were prominent in the fight and struggle for democracy, some of them have proved their mettle as poets, teachers, musicians, social critics, and public affairs commentators, but Rev. Fr. Ejike Camillus Anthony Ebenezer Mbaka is a cut above the rest, not necessarily in terms of intellect or persona, but in terms of how he has been able to use the pulpit to acquire a rock star status.

It is therefore not surprising that everything about him is with a touch of the histrionic. This is exactly what happened when he was transferred, last week, from a parish where he had served for 20 years: from Christ the King Parish, GRA Enugu, to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Umuchigbo, Njinike, Enugu. Characteristically, this radical priest and social activist turned what should be a routine administrative posting by his Bishop into a melodrama and an assault on the authority of the Church. You would think he had been sentenced to a jail term, the way he whined and wept and appealed to sympathy.
“I’m going to suffer because I have no place to put my head. I am going to suffer because I have no place to keep the Adoration Ministry’s assets…The Adoration Ministry is passing through suffering right now even though I’ve accepted that it is the will of God. Is the will of God through suffering? It is a mega suffering. The quantum of the assets of the Adoration Ministry is the only thing I am bothered about for now. Where am I going to keep them? I am going to stay in one small room that has only one small bed, one small table, little toilet and bathroom. So where am I going to keep all the Adoration assets? “ I couldn’t believe that this was a Catholic Priest.
His pain was so palpable. He even took a shot at the Church:
“I won’t fight anybody or even dream of battling anybody. If anybody allows the devil to use him, the same that advised you to make a mistake will laugh at you when you cry over the error.” This was a clear suggestion that the devil was using his boss, the Diocesan Bishop of Enugu, His Lordship Calistus Onaga, against him, Mbaka and the Adoration Ministry. Rev Fr. Mbaka further spoke with a touch of vanity about how he single-handedly built the Christ the King Parish, Enugu, with proceeds from the sale of his music albums. This priest is certainly special. He objects to suffering even if the Lord Jesus Christ, whose disciple he is, is the embodiment of sacrifice and suffering. He talks about assets in a capitalistic sense, and yet his reputation rests on his commitment to the poor. He finally says he accepts the “suffering”, sounding like a victim.
Mbaka’s melodrama was nothing short of an act of protest and incitement. It didn’t take long before a mob-like group trooped to the GRA, Enugu to help him move his things to the new church where it is said he will be an assistant priest. If his followers had laid their hands on the Diocesan Bishop, only God knows what they would have done to him for allegedly demoting their hero.

It also didn’t take long before the spokesperson for the All Progressives Congress (APC), South-East Caucus, Osita Okechukwu issued a statement alleging that Mbaka was being victimized because he is pro-Buhari and pro-APC.

Okechukwu‘s intervention was a needless busybody act. He only stopped short of asking the Diocesan Bishop to reverse himself or get labeled as an enemy of the government of the day. Nor did it take long before the Catholic Church also put its feet down, staing clearly that no priest is above the Church. Mbaka definitely needed that reality check. But he had succeeded in politicizing his transfer and dragging the Catholic Church into mainstream, partisan politics with the Church holding the short end of the stick.

It is perhaps for this reason that the Catholic Bishop of Abuja Metropolitan See, Cardinal John Onaiyekan once asked that Rev. Fr. Mbaka should be sanctioned. He actually accused him of talking “rubbish” when he openly condemned President Goodluck Jonathan and insisted that the electorate should vote for Muhammadu Buhari, then Presidential candidate of the APC, who according to him, was destined to win the 2015 Presidential election.
“I do not believe in my mind that the way things are in Nigeria, any Catholic priest has the mandate to decide which of the political contestants should be voted for… I don’t believe a priest should be doing that...If he was in my archdiocese, I will have sanctioned him long ago for the kind of utterances he makes.” Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama. President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), also similarly disowned him. Even with those protestations, Mbaka remained untouchable. He is on record as having declared in a secessionist mood, for example, that the sovereignty of Nigeria is not sacrosanct. “If we must be one Nigeria, let it be one Nigeria, but if it can’t be one Nigeria, let us divide…let us tell ourselves the truth.”
He has also since the 2015 elections, made a high profile visit to the Presidential Villa to see President Buhari. He was actually shown arriving in a private jet, waving to the crowd as if he was on a Papal visit to the seat of power! How did one priest, out of over 30 million Nigerian Catholics, become so powerful and untouchable?

Rev Fr. Mbaka’s seeming invincibility lies in his significance and relevance. His Ministry is a loud comment on the relationship between the Church and the congregation. Mbaka is the founder and Spiritual Director of a Ministry within the Catholic Church known as Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria (AMEN). Gifted, creative and clever; he is without any doubt a liberation theologian.

He runs a prophetic church, a church that believes strongly in the power of the Eucharist, and which in every sense is a church of the poor. His source of inspiration must be those liberation theologians and other radical priests who have proven that for the church to be relevant, it must be relevant to the interests, concerns and expectations of the congregation, particularly the underprivileged poor.

More than any other catholic priest in Nigeria, Mbaka has taken the Catholic Church beyond the confines of liberal conservatism to the ordinary man in the market place. He speaks the poor man’s language, he appeals to their imagination. He is the bridge between the Pentecostal churches and the Catholic Church in Nigeria.

He has mastered the tricks, the rhetoric, the antics and the persona of the former, and he applies this with a touch of sassiness that is original. He urges members of his ministry to “Pray Until Something Happens” (PUSH). In an overtly religious and superstitious country like Nigeria, there is never a shortage of persons who are ready to push until the impossible happens.

He organizes vigils titled “E no dey again”. That is precisely what the people want to hear. They want to hear that problems, disease, unemployment- “e no dey again!”. Mbaka also has a Foundation, the Multi-Life Savers Foundation. Note the emphasis on the saving of lives! He pays hospital bills, he gives out cars, he builds houses for people, he pays school fees, he sponsors events.

He sings. He dances. He is not your typical Catholic priest. He is rich. He talks about assets. Other priests go to him for financial assistance. He is an all-round entrepreneur in church garments. His Ministry performs miracles, signs and wonders. He makes the lame walk, he opens the eyes of the blind, he cures diseases; he spreads wealth and opportunities. He creates jobs. He provides hope. With all this, Fr. Mbaka is far ahead of his bosses within the Catholic hierarchy. Persons of other faiths and Christian denominations troop to his Ministry to seek spiritual counseling. Politicians seek his endorsement.

He controls the mind of multitudes. The Catholic Church is probably in need of reinvention, and the seeds of that process may well lie in the example and eclecticism of Mbaka and his likes in other parts of the Catholic world.

The plain truth is that the average church-goer today is looking for something different which the orthodox churches and their mode of worship do not offer. The poor who make up the congregation are as impatient as the politicians who have made them poor. They want immediate salvation, practical solutions to their problems; they want their blessings here and now, not in a world to come. Mbaka and the Pentecostal pastors understand this and so they bring the church closer to the people’s needs. But there is a flipside and it is hubris.

Hubris is risky and pernicious. It is what makes Fr. Mbaka appear so contradictory. It is what has distanced him from his original vows as a priest, making him talk of cash and assets as if he were an investor on Broad Street. It is what makes him complain of suffering and see his transfer as a punishment, rather than as an opportunity for further evangelism of The Word. He must have started out as a humble priest, but today, he has mastered the use of the media for self-projection and he is not contented with being a priest, he is now enjoying the life of a celebrity, hugging the limelight, seeking personal glory.

He runs a ministry of miracles, of wonders and signs and he sees visions of possible assassinations, either of himself or the politicians that he supports. No one should be surprised if this Pentecostal Catholic priest goes about with bodyguards. He shares this hubris with many other religious figures who seek to share power with politicians and co-govern Nigeria. They see visions about everything: from elections to diseases and foreign exchange rates. They have created a New Order under which they command the electorate, political parties and governments.

It is this hubris that has blinded Fr. Mbaka to the fact that the souls to be won for Christ are not only in GRA, Enugu, but in all places as well. His transfer to a smaller parish should remind him of the essence of his priestly vows: humility, simplicity, obedience, sacrifice, as well as commitment to the good of the church rather than individual heroism, values which can truly make him a priest in the Order of Melchizedek. Let him therefore, suffer if he must, and let his suffering be a blessing upon the poor and the Church, and if he as much as whimpers again, let him be posted post-haste to Sambisa forest, where the poor are in urgent need of miracles.